Gonna be a fun few days! Below is a blow-by-blow on our coverage of this storm, with the most recent update being at the top,

-NOON SATURDAY: All drivers are authorized to begin a second run as soon as they finish their first run.

-11AM SATURDAY: Clay plows have been dispatched.

-10AM SATURDAY: Plow operators have been dispatched in Baldwinsville (Radisson is a part of Bville!), 13090 and the neighborhoods in 13212 and 13088 that weren’t plowed during the 5AM run. Keeping an eye on where band organizes next.

-5AM SATURDAY: Beginning to plow North Syracuse neighborhoods WEST OF 31 as well as 13088 (*only those routes that weren’t plowed Thursday) due to drifting and slight accumulation on top of Thursday’s base. Waiting for the band to organize over the rest of our neighborhoods.

-CHECKS at 3AM and 1AM SATURDAY: Less than 1 inch of new snow across territory. Checking again at 5am.

-9AM FRIDAY: Quiet night. No further plowing needed at this time.

-2PM THURSDAY: Plowing in Baldwinsville, Clay, Cicero and 13090 neighborhoods of Liverpool. Heavy bands came through early afternoon necessitating a plow in those neighborhoods. Keeping an eye on other areas for now.

-NOON THURSDAY: Earlier snowfall beginning to melt, with occasional sun and temps in the mid-thirties. No need to plow yet. We’ll keep watching!

-9AM THURSDAY: One inch or less across territory. Watching current snow bursts for additional accumulation.

-OVERNIGHT WEDNESDAY INTO THURSDAY: What snow landed melted on warmed up driveways. Will continue watching through the morning.