Late Arrival? (February 25 storm tracker)

Welcome to Central New York, where you can work on your tan one day, and put three coats on the next! As with some other recent snowstorms, we’re gonna track this one with real-time updates, listed below with the most recent update at the top. Stay safe, and look forward to the fourth or fifth spring of the season, surely right around the corner!

3:30PM: The lake effect we saw from 10am to noon, and some light flurry activity has amounted to roughly 1 inch of new snow since plowing. At this time there are no plans to plow again today (barring a major shift in weather).

6AM: It’s heeeere…. All drivers have been dispatched. PLEASE NOTE: due to the timing of this snow event (morning commute) and heavy present snowfall, please allow extra time for our drivers to reach you. Only contact the office if you have an urgent plowing matter. Thank you!

5AM: We are approaching 2 inches of accumulation in most areas. It’s not a matter of IF we will be plowing, just WHEN. Stay tuned!

4AM: The “real snow” just started picking up, but at this time we are measuring less than an inch of accumulation across the territory. We know it’s coming, and we are poised and ready!

1AM/2AM/3AM: Just a trickle of snow, as the storm seemed to hit a speed-bump making its way from the Southwest toward us.

Sunday, February 20 Update

Well that was an interesting 24 hours, wasn’t it? Yet for all of Mother Nature’s bluster, our managers were measuring between 0.5 and 1.75 inches of snow in driveways across our territory as of 6AM. As we didn’t hit our 3+ inch mark, and as the temperature will cross 40 degrees today, we will not be plowing. Enjoy your Sunday!

February 18 Snow Tracker

Hey folks! We’re keeping an eye on this morning’s snowfall to see if we need to “make a move” on it. Below are our updates, with the most recent being at the top:

MID-AFTERNOON:  Apologies for the late update – snow just kept trickling in. We ended up plowing other areas of Baldwinsville and Kimbrook as needed (if they approached our 3+ inch threshold).

NOON:  Additional snow accumulated, meriting plowing in the Village of Baldwinsville and Radisson. Other nearby areas at 1.5″, and are being monitored.

10AM:  Snow is dissipating. At this time – unless things change – there are no plans for residential plowing.

9AM:  0.5 to 1.25 inches across territory. Radar showing signs of breaking up. Will continue watching and checking driveways in all neighborhoods.

8AM:  0.25 to 0.75 inches across territory. Will monitor in field and radars/forecasts.

Friday into Saturday: Overnight look-around

Well, Winter Storm Landon enjoyed CNY so much it decided to vacation here a while! Due to some lingering snow through late this afternoon and municipal plow unpredictability we understand there are (and will be) sloppy conditions in many of our neighborhoods. Therefore we are going to send the team around at 3am to check everywhere, taking care of any driveway that needs attention.

REGARDING THE REMAINDER OF THIS EVENING – Most of our crew woke up at 11PM last night and have not slept. We are pulling them off the road so they can get some rest (and keep everyone safe!). The office is closed as of 5:30PM. Thank you for your understanding.


Hey gang! Below will be a running update on our tracking and handling of this storm, with the latest update at the top.

8:15AM: We will be conducting a clean-up run, beginning between 10 and 11am, to take care of any driveways that need further attention.

MIDNIGHT: Crews have been dispatched for Round 1. It’s ON.

Thursday 5PM: Just about an inch of snow now (though it is messy and slushy – drive carefully!). We are holding back the fleet and will begin our first run at MIDNIGHT.

Thursday 4PM: Our managers are reporting under an inch of new snow throughout the territory. No plowing at present, and unlikely to plow before midnight unless things dramatically change soon. Need to keep our drivers and equipment fresh for the heavy stuff!

Plowing service requests

Hello! PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer accepting new customers, activating old contracts, or entertaining requests for on-call or one-time plowing during storms. Our service areas are at capacity, and it is critical that we do not dilute service for our existing customers. We hope you’ll look us up again in Fall, when we can take all comers! Thank you for considering Randy Cramer Snow & Lawn.

Just checking in…

Hey folks! We made the rounds this morning to see what the skies had to offer. Snow totals ranged from 1 to 1.5 inches across our territory. The perfect amount to look pretty, just not “plow”y. We’ll keep a look-out!

Early 1/26 Plow

Remember that time I said we’d be keeping an eye out for more snow? Well, there was more snow – a LOT in areas to the North.  We had a fast moving, heavy-in-spots snow band come through overnight. We have dispatched a full crew and will be plowing all of our customers in Phoenix, Baldwinsville, Cicero and Clay, and will at least be checking all driveways in Liverpool and North Syracuse – plowing those if they have enough to plow. Cold morning, throw on an extra cardigan to start your day!

Keeping an eye out

Hey all! Just wanted to let you know we’ve been watching the weather during the course of the day, and will do so through the night. While the snowfall produced some mid-afternoon heart-murmers, it amounted to roughly an inch of new snow – not enough to plow. If we get enough additional overnight snow to hit our 3″ threshold, we’ll be out to take care of you.

January 25 cleanup

Good morning folks! We had a little clipper sweep through CNY and drop some snow on top of that basecoat we got the other day. That’s just about enough to merit a cleanup. We dispatched all trucks, beginning around 2AM. Happy Tuesday!

Early morning check-around

Hey folks! This snow continues to kick up a mess, and there is an uneasy forecast and radar over the next handful of hours. Therefore we will be heading out for an early morning check, and clean up any driveways in need. Unrelated but related…

This snow is DANGEROUSLY slippery. For those rejoining the daily grind and morning commute tomorrow, PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION.